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Indulging Yourself In A Beauty Routine During This Quarntine Can Make You Feel Better. Let’s Talk A Tit Bit About It With Anupriya Goenka

Here’s the thing – we are all feeling low and blue during this lockdown. All we want is for life to resume again so that we can go outside and do the things we would normally be doing. But by the looks of things, that isn’t happening anytime soon so we better brace ourselves.

You know, the first few days of this lockdown were the toughest on me. I would mope around the house all day letting laziness take over because I didn’t know what to do with myself. But as time progressed, I realised it got better. I got to spend time with my family and do the things I have been putting off for a long time now. I mean, the lockdown is still suffocating but it’s manageable. Humans have an innate quality of adapting, which is really saving our asses right now.

However, during the week where things were smoothening out, I also realised that I have way more free time on my hands than I am used to. So, to fill the blanks I began doing and prioritizing the things that I never thought would be on the top of my list. For example, I never had a skin-care routine and I never thought about self-care and self-pampering, now I do.

Anyone who knows me even a little will be able to tell you that I was extremely lax about skincare. I didn’t have a long 12-step skin regime, nor did I want one because I knew for a fact that I was never going to keep up with it. My skincare routine included washing my face twice a day and sometimes applying sunscreen. But hey, that isn’t so bad, is it? I now know, it’s horrible.

Suddenly, I am not only washing my face but also using a cleanser and then moisturizing twice a day. Who knew my face was so dry? I am also keeping a track of how much water I drink and challenging myself to drink more every day. I had loads of sheet masks, clay masks and even a charcoal mask in my drawer that I never even thought about. But now, thanks to those my skin looks so much fresher and clearer. Also, much to my surprise, I have been able to stick to my skincare and workout routines and I have never felt better.

I have been kicking myself for not putting a routine like this in place a long time ago. But hey, better late than never right? If you think about it, even though we aren’t going anywhere right now taking care of yourself has never been more important. Ironic, huh?

It is very interesting, which is why on this week’s TitBit podcast episode we spoke to WAR actress Anupriya Goenka to know how she is taking care of herself during this quarantine.

Listen To The Podcast Here 

Anupriya says that she too is taking more care of her skin at this point and just letter it breathe. She says that it is a good thing for the skin that everyone is staying indoors and away from the sun and pollution. She too is making sure she takes better care of her skin by moisturizing it twice a day, drinking a lot of water (at least I know I am on the right track), having a vegetable juice every day and doing champi.

I understand that talking or thinking about skincare right now seems tad ignorant or even unnecessary. But I can tell you that it’s essential because it’s the way that we can get through this lockdown. Listen to Anupriya and try indulging yourself in masks and maybe a DIY manicure, you will instantly feel better.

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