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Are You Breaking Out Despite A Good Skincare Routine? Expert Lists Acne Management Red Flags To Look Out For

No matter how much you care for your skin, sometimes it’s impossible to run away from skin problems. No matter where we go, pollution, weather changes and stress tend to take a toll on our skin and then our skin starts acting out by breaking out. Acne is the most common skin problem that we all deal with and while there’s no permanent solution to deal with breakouts but a proper skincare routine along with acne management can help one avoid this trouble. But if you still have problems despite acne management, chances are that there are some red flags that you’ve been missing out on. In order to make all of your lives easier we spoke to dermatologist Dr Nishita Ranka who listed some acne management red flags to keep an eye out for which could be the cause of breakout despite proper care.

Speaking about acne and acne management, Dr Nishita Ranka shared that this skin problem isn’t just skin deep. Pointing out that there are several external factors like diet, hormones and stress that play a role in your acne problem, Dr Nishita said that it is essential to keep an eye out for red flags in order to manage acne well in advance and prevent inflammatory lesions so that one doesn’t end up with post-inflammatory scarring or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

1. Period Troubles Lead To Skin Troubles

Your periods can impact your skin and most of us tend to breakout around our periods but there’s more to it than just that. According to Dr Nishita, it’s best to keep any out for symptoms like irregular periods, excessive hair growth on the face and abnormal weight gain. These could hint at PCOS or PCOD which are “very common hormonal causes of acne” as per the dermatologist.

2. You Are What You Eat

As per Dr Nishita Ranka, consuming too much junk food, dairy products and spicy food can take a toll on our skin and lead to breakout and that is why all these things must be avoided. “There is research that proves that dairy and high glycemic index foods can induce acne. Hence it’s best to avoid these in your diet,” says the dermatologist.


3. Take A Look At Your Makeup/Skincare Products

The products we use on our skin have a direct impact on our skin and skin problems. According to the dermatologist, the makeup and skincare products we use play an important role. She suggests that we all stick to non-comedogenic products and avoid any oil-based products as they can clog our pores and induce more acne and even increase the number of bacteria on our face. “Stick to products that are very lightweight and non-comedogenic so that they don’t clog your pores and increase your problems,” says Dr Ranka.

4. Hormones Can Make Or Break Acne!

Hormonal changes or hormonal imbalance can affect our body as well as our skin. Speaking about it Dr Nishita Ranka suggests that we note any hormonal changes that our body may be going through as it could be the cause of acne and breakout despite a good acne management routine.

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5. The Vicious Cycle Of Stress And Skincare Problems

We have been, time and again, told that stress can not only make our skin dull but also cause a breakout. Stressing the importance of stress management, Dr Nishita Ranka says that stress can directly induce acne despite acne management. She further shared that as a dermatologist and founder of Dr Nishita’s Clinic For Skin, Hair and Aesthetics she often sees patients who breakout before a big event or brides and grooms who struggle with acne ahead of their big day due to stress. The dermatologist says that stress management measures are essential and one can turn to simple deep breathing exercises for 10 to 15 minutes daily in order to manage acne and stress better.

Now that all of us have expert-listed acne management red flags to watch out for, let’s try to improve our lifestyle and beauty habits for a healthier body and skin and fewer skincare problems! Here’s to hoping we can all say toodles to acne!

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